单调栈 Monotonic Stack


Largest Rectangle


use a stack to store the rectangles (width, height)

the height is increasing


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monotonic stack

from 1 to n
decreasing stack, stack used from 1
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
while (ss > 0 && h[s[ss]] < h[i])
answer[s[ss--]] = i;
s[++ss] = i;

from n downto 1
decreasing stack, stack used from 1
for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) {
while (ss > 0 && h[s[ss]] <= h[i]) {
z[i] = s[ss];
s[++ss] = i;

doubly linked list
to delete i
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// do them in {p[i]} order
R[L[p[i]]] = R[p[i]]
L[R[p[i]]] = L[p[i]]
// R[p[i]] is the answer of p[i]

  1. 单调栈 Monotonic Stack
    1. 最大矩形
    2. P2947 [USACO09MAR]Look Up S